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The SCReadCounts release contains a new tool varLoci for enumerating potential variant loci directly from the indexed BAM file. It outputs SNV loci and reference and alternate nucleotides suitable for SCReadCounts SNVs input file.


% varLoci <bam_file>.bam <min_var_read_count> [ <region> ] > snv_loci.txt

The <bam_file>.bam must be sorted (by alignment start position) and indexed. <bam_file>.bam.bai should be placed in the same directory as the BAM file.

<min_var_read_count> is the minimum number of reads with the variant allele required for a locus to be considered a putative variant loci.

<region> (optional) is the samtools format region specifier. Use <chrom> or <chrom>:<start>-<end> to specify a chromosome or a chromosomal region, respectively. Default: no region constraint.
